New Member Sec

New Member Sec

Welcome to the Membership section of HLYD!

This is where it all begins! Your future basketball program is a click away. The next step you need to take is to Order your program. Here is your chance to start your new business in the world of sports and recreation with the official HLYD Basketball Program, loaded with helpful tips, plays, and ongoing support and resources. As a HLYD member you will have access to all the material you need to build a successful basketball program.

Once your membership has been approved, you will have purchased a two (2) year license agreement that covers four seasons of basketball support and resources, that’s two fall season and two summer season, consecutively. You will have exclusive access to to all of the membership materials needed to start and maintain your very own basketball program, including a membership certificate with the official HLYD seal. You will also be able to choose the color of your player’s uniforms and access basketball plays, promotional flyers, consent forms, etc.

Learn Share and Play! 

Once you’ve made your purchase you’ll be able to access additional Membership sections, including:

  1. Promotional Flyer
  2. Instructional Guide
  3. Mastering Technique
  4. Trade Secrets
  5. Player Uniforms

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